Privet lessons have been underway.

I have been so busy this last few weeks. Its been great. I have taught 3 out of 5 lessons with my student and it seems to be going well. The first lesson I have my student the opportunity to draw a subject front scratch to see how he starts a drawing and how he develops.

the second lesson we did a speed drawing exercise. I timed him for a 10 minite drawing then he did the same drawing faster and faster each time until her was drawing at 30 seconds. He loved this and we ended up doing it for the whole two hour session.

The third lesson I got some clay and asked my student to model a subject from a 2D image. we chose a tiger. This was good fun and he found it got him to this of the 2D image in a 3D way.

Next lesson I plan to do an exercise where he will draw a subject and be given tasks to work and rework the drawing over and over again.

The last lesson will concentrate on a piece of work that can bring all these skills together.

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